Friday, March 3, 2017

Renungan dari Postingan Terakhir Sarah Sechan

Mari sejenak rehat dari postingan tugas-tugas Matrikulasi ibu Profesional saya :) hehe. Saya ingin mendokumentasikan salah satu hal menarik yang saya dapat malam ini.

Saya bukan fans berat Sarah Sechan, hanya secara tak sengaja melihat artikel yang beriai tentang postingan terakhirnya di instagram dan twitter. Saya tertarik pada alasan-alasan mendalam yang ia kemukakan, maksudnya, bukankah cukup sulit menyatakan diri tidak bersosmed di era semacam ini ?

Saya membaca artikel lengkapnya dari sini, dan mengambil seluruh caption nya ke dalam tulisan di bawah ini. Kalimat yang saya beri penebalan, bagi saya merupakan sebuah pengingat, hal yang perlu saya renungkan.

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Hey you sexy people .. this will be my last post on instagram & twitter.

I have decided that at this age (forever 24, of course) I need to really start living and enjoy every moment of my life, not busy trying to make a point or seek approval from strangers.

I want to whisper my gratefulness (and disappointments!) to my creator only, because we all know God listens to our heart, not reading our captions .

I want to tell a person how I feel & what I’m thinking by talking heart to heart, not post quotes I found on google search.

I want to go back to the days when I eat because it’s basic necessity, not because foodporn posts are considered cool. I want to wear certain outfit because it makes me feel comfortable, not because I have to post ootd (or because I got them free ).

I realize I have spent a little too much time doing unnecessary postings instead of engaging with my surrounding and living the moment. I need to interact & pay attention to those closest to me, as I have no guarantee of how much time I have left to spend with them.

I want to cherish my intimate memories within myself. you know the saying “tomorrow is only a promise”. I want others to speak of my achievements, without me having to shout about it on my posts. I want individuals to know me because they have met me and spent time with me, not because they read a sentence of my caption underneath a photo I posted after selecting from hundreds of pretentious selfies . and vice versa, I don’t want to think I know someone just because I follow him/her on social media.

So here it is, my last post. I made this with boomerang, tried at least 20x, edited with music, spent about 45 minutes overall to have this post on my ig page when I should be getting rid of my makeup half hour ago and get myself ready to prepare dinner. oh life on social media is exhausting and taking too much of my precious mommy-mode afternoon.

Thank you for being such lovely followers it’s been wonderful .

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Saya masih akan terus bermedsos ria sepertinya, berupaya mengambil manfaat manfaatnya, dan berupaya lebih keras membuang hal hal mudharat nya. Berusaha menjadikan medsos sebagai sarana berbagi kebaikan berbagi inspirasi, sebagaimana yang teman teman di luar sana lakukan pada saya :)

Salut buat mba sarah sechan :)

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".. I need to really start living and enjoy every moment of my life, not busy trying to make a point or seek approval from strangers.

I want to whisper my gratefulness (and disappointments!) to my creator only, because we all know God listens to our heart, not reading our captions .

I want to tell a person how I feel & what I’m thinking by talking heart to heart, not post quotes I found on google search.

I realize I have spent a little too much time doing unnecessary postings instead of engaging with my surrounding and living the moment. I need to interact & pay attention to those closest to me, as I have no guarantee of how much time I have left to spend with them."
-- Sarah Sechan

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